Entries by admin

By-products in pig diets with high levels of non-starch polysaccharides and how to overcome this anti-nutritional factor.

By Leeché Storm (Technical Advisor, Pigs) The demand for cereal and oil seeds from emerging markets for energy production has placed increased pressure on the global animal feed sector with the rise of raw material costs. To lower feed costs and improve the sustainable use of feed resources for animal production, by-products from the food […]

Flush feeding: An effective feeding practice in sheep farming.

by JW Van Niekerk, Independent Reviewed and updated by Johan Loubser, Ruminant Specialist   Two aspects that can have a major impact on the effectivity and profit of sheep farming, are an increase in conception rate and fecundity of the breeding flock. Flush feeding of sheep is a feeding practice that can be used, under […]

Heat Stress in Poultry: Physiological Impacts and Nutritional Mitigation Strategies

Introduction Poultry are homeothermic animals with a normal body temperature range of 41–42°C. Under optimal thermal conditions, typically defined as the thermal neutral zone (18–22°C), birds can maintain their core temperature without expending additional energy. However, deviations from this range, particularly during brooding when higher ambient temperatures are necessary, impose significant physiological and behavioural adjustments. […]

Die belangrikheid van Fosfaat aanvulling op weidings

geskryf deur Andries Kruger, hersien en verwerk deur Johan Loubser (Herkouerspesialis)     Fosfaat aanvulling op groen somerweidings, veral in meer ekstensiewe boerdery praktyke, is ‘n konsep wat al vir baie jare lank nagevors en bewys is. Die noodsaakliklikheid van fosfaat aanvulling kan dus nie genoeg beklemtoon word nie. Vir weidende diere, veral vleisbeeste, word […]

Gars as ʼn Bron van Stysel in Skaaprantsoene

deur Pieter Louw.     Met die huidige hoë mielieprys moet daar gekyk word na goedkoper of alternatiewe bronne van energie vir skaapgroei en afrondrantsoene. Daar is verskeie opsies wat oorweeg kan word wat soortgelyke groei bewerkstellig sowel as die produksie van die besigheid handhaaf. Met weersomstandighede wat ideaal is vir die produksie van gars, […]

Importance of feed intake in commercial layer systems

 By Herman Rossouw, technical advisor,  AFGRI Animal Feeds The feed component of the average poultry production system makes up 70% of all expenses. Given the sharp increase in feed prices these past three years, there is renewed focus on the consumption and effectiveness of rations. In March this year, the average layer meal was 80% […]

Feeding the transition cow

By SP Els, AFGRI Animal Feeds Sound nutrition and management practices during the transition period will have a positive financial impact on dairy businesses. Most farmers have specific, quantifiable goals regarding milk production, milk solids, feed and labour costs, and profitability in terms of profit per hectare or per cow. However, it seems that the […]

Nicci Oosthuizen: Proudly AFGRI, born and bred

With the Covid-19 pandemic still in full swing and 2021 still in its baby shoes, many of us feel uncertain about the future. With so many dreams and goals for ourselves and our children, how do one navigate this year? “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity,” Winston Churchill once said, “but an optimist […]

AFGRI Pig feeds at SAPPO

AFGRI Pig Feeds made a welcome impression with their stand at the SAPPO Symposium, hosted by the South African Pork Producers Organisation on the 5th and 6th of September. All the major role players in the pork industry were gathered at this prestigious event that marked the confidence of an industry on the rise. The […]